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Local jobs

Local Trainers

Local Clients

Large Selection - Choice!

BYKA was formed to provide local jobs through a service that provides value to the community, is affordable by the community and is thus supported by the community. BYKA is not a charity even though donations are welcome.


BYKA - Ghana assembles and repairs bicycles that are sold to workers and students. Businesses are encouraged to provide zero interest loans to their workers.


A variety of bikes will be offered from the 400+ bikes our manufacturers can provide.


This choice is given to encourage individual creativity and not force a common look.

We support all levels of education and value vocational schools which provide employment opportunities by training a work force that is in demand. Our workers will have their education paid for which provides two jobs for the price of one.
We strongly support skills transfer from any outside source that specializes in bicycle, small engine and electric assembly and repair.

Having access to a world of experience and technology will provide growth for many years to come.

BYKA will support local designs similar to those created in Asia and provide access to "Green" technology when possible.



Everything is stronger on this work horse that will have attachments for carrying goods and much more.
These heavy duty bikes are meant to be the corner stone for BYKA business, building an investment in the future with long lasting equipment that is depended on to get people to work or transport goods.

The Future​

Ghana Welders



Work HOrse

Solutions That Can Take It

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