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One City One Wheelchair

In order to include as many groups as possible in the Ghana Race Events we have just launched a "One City One Wheelchair" Campaign.

We are asking your helping in contacting your local city and asking them to donate one wheelchair that costs about 250 US Dollars to the Ghana event. We are also hoping the city will sponsor a team mate that will come to Ghana, provide assistance, and of course race with his/her Ghana team mate.


The wheelchairs were designed by Amos Winter and his team at MIT and are called - the Leveraged Freedom Chair; a cheap lever-powered wheelchair whose design and develop put the user first.  

You can see a video on this site 

Please contact us to register and to get your information to the team.

Proceeds of this event will also go to supporting bicycle repair shops that can service the wheelchairs in local villages and the establishment of a local organic food production teaching farm.

If you can not support us, please support this group.


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